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Sled Wrap Installation Guides


Can I install my sled wrap myself?

The majority of our customers since 2008 have been first-time wrap owners. That is changing now as we see more and more repeat customers who have purchased new snowmobiles and decided to come back for their second and third wrap with us. One thing that remains the same, people who have not installed one are intimidated. It seem like an impossible task. No need to worry. So far, we have not had any user errors resulting in the need for replacement pieces upon install. You can watch me five you the pointers on how to install and go over the two primary methods, wet install and dry install. You can hire it out or bribe your buddy with beer that has done a few to help you with yours, but I'm confident you can tackle it on your own.

Be sure to have a heated and clean place to work on it. Give yourself enough time to do it. Don't rush it. Watch the training videos before hand. Study the install map to determine where all the pieces of wrap go on your particular snowmobile. If you go with the wet install method, I recommend a heated garage or trailer. 60 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer is ideal, 50 would work if you needed it to, but increase the drying time. You are leaving moisture under the decal when doing a wet install. You MUST let this dry out before sneaking out into the cold for a rip. Getting out in the snow too soon can cause the moisture to freeze and leave the sticker vulnerable for being ripped off on your first ride. Definitely take the time to make sure it is completely cured. 24 hours n a heated garage is sage, but you be the judge. If you didn't use much fluid and you heated it with a heat gun or a hair dryer after install, you may be safe with substantially less drying time.

Final step in the process is to step back and admire the new sled you just created and the personality that comes with it. Time to go ride and get some pics to share with the rest of the Braap Wrap Family!

Product Manuals

Gen4 Turbo/Lightweight Hood Install Key

Training Videos

You can find more videos on our YouTube channel here